Resin-ating Through Art: 3D Illusion Painting

Resin-ating Through Art: 3D Illusion Painting

In my last blog I covered the basics of casting figures. If you ever need a review, check out Getting Started.

There is something really slick about creating 3D illusions through suspensions in resin. It's a time consuming process requiring pouring multiple layers to get the effect, but it's worth it! So rewarding to see the shock in people's eyes when they realize it's not an actual 3D figure.

Wondering how it's all done? Well, here is a step-by-step walk through of this mind-bending technique if you want to try it out.

Ready for a lengthy project? Let's get started!

That's it for this lesson ... hope you make a lot of cool artwork! Have questions, need to troubleshoot? Feel free to drop me a line. Always happy to help!

Now go get creative!

This activity is made possible through a grant from the Southeastern Minnesota Arts Council in cooperation with a private foundation.
2778 D Commerce Drive NW,
Rochester, MN 55901


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